Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How to enable Flash Player on Windows Server 2012 r2

This procedure is quoted  from

If you are trying to view web pages that contain flash content on Windows Server 2012 r2 then you may find that it does not work. You are then led to a page on the Adobe website tells you that Flash player is already installed on Windows 8 and that you do not need to install it. This post explains how to enable Flash Player on Windows Server 2012.
Message from Adobe Website informing you that Flash Player is already installed on Windows Server 2012 r2   The page then goes on to provide instructions as to how to enable Flash, this basically consists of:
  • Ensuring that the flash player add-on is enabled.
  • Checking that Active-X filtering is disabled.
You will probably find that these instructions do not work for you as flash player is not listed in the Internet Explorer Add-ons.

How to install Flash Player on Windows Server 2012 r2

In order to install Flash Player on Windows Server 2012 you need to install the Desktop Experience Feature. To do this, do the following:
  • Go into server manager.
  • Click add roles and features: Using server manager to install flash player on Windows Server 2012
  • Press next until you reach the “Features” page.
  • Tick the box “Desktop Experience” which is hidden under the “User Interfaces and Infrastructure” feature: Installing the desktop experience to enable Flash player in Windows Server 2012
  • You will then have to accept the installation of some other features to support the installation of desktop experience
  • The features are installed and the server is rebooted: Desktop Experience Feature being installed on Windows Server 2012 r2
Or if you prefer, you can install with the simple but so effective Windows Powershell command:
Install-WindowsFeature Desktop-Experience
The reason I wanted to have access to Flash Player on this particular server was so that I could access the vSphere Web client, which uses flash. Hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Test your SQL server connectivity

  • Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  • Double-click Administrative Tools.
  • Double-click Data Sources (ODBC).
    • The ODBC Data Source Administrator opens
  • Click the System DSN tab.
  • Click Add.
    • The Create New Data Source window opens
  • Scroll to the Microsoft SQL Server entry and click it.
  • Click Finish.
    • The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server window opens
  • Enter the following field information:
    • Name : Test
    • Description : Test
    • Server : <SQLServer>\<SQLInstance> or select from drop-down menu
  • Click Next.
  • If using Windows authentication, select the Windows NT® authentication option. If using SQL authentication, select the Microsoft SQL Server authentication option.
  • If using SQL authentication, type the user name and password used by the server to access the Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Click Next.
    • The ODBC attempts at this point to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server
    • If the connection fails, an error message appears
  • If the connection succeeds, select the Change Default Database to check box.
  • Monday, February 8, 2016

    problem in uploading messages from outlook to yahoo IMAP server - the server modifies and corrupts message header

    lately I was trying to upload my old email *.pst files to Yahoo mail using Outlook 2010 in order to make a backup there in case of a problem happens with my HDD, but the problem I faced is that for certain messages I kept seeing them getting corrupted each time I upload them to the server, after googling out the problem for almost a day and trying to decrypt my traffic with Wireshark to see exactly what is happening I found nothing valuable,

    As Outlook doesn't allow you to edit message header, I was fortunate that I was able find an excellent program that can retrieve the message from the server then store it as .eml, the program name is IMAPSize. so I tried saving the message then edit it with text editor, and I could see where exactly the problem is by comparing the corrupted message with correct one. so I edited the header, saved the message then opened it in Outlook, then clicked "move" then chose the destination folder and Voila!!! message uploaded correctly.

    The reason why this is happening is still a mystery as It happened before on different IMAP server, so definitely it is a bug either in Outlook or IMAP.

    Friday, October 9, 2015

    Outlook messages duplication remover:

    to remove a duplicate messages use the following visual basic script:

    Friday, July 10, 2015

    Thermal problem in HP Elitebook 8540w

    Recently my HP Elitebook 8540w's fan was running constantly, and by using HWMonitor i was able to check that the temperature was raising high, around 50 to 60 without any activities, and when doing simple tasks like just opening a browser it would get very high.

    so i decided to order some thermal pads to replace the current ones between the CPU & GPU and the heat sink, ofcourse my first choice was from a vendor from china, but after they have arrived it weren't good at all but the contrary; the problem became worse and CPU start shutting down.

    with me desperate i was looking for a quick solution until i can order proper material I started searching the internet for DIY thermal paste, and i found several resources suggesting mixing toothpaste with cooking oil, with mixing ratio of 3:1. well... i had nothing to lose and it wasn't working anyway so i thought it was worth a try. I mixed the ingredients , dissembled the heat sink and then applied the paste. I started the Laptop and voila!!! it worked, but i noticed something strange that the laptop fan was not working so i though it might be that i did something wrong with the connector. so after windows started i launched HWMonitor and for my surprise CPU and GPU temp went down to 35!!

    so it was a great improvement and a good experience, now if something similar happens and i need thermal paste i know where to find one ... quickly.

    Thursday, August 14, 2014

    Fortigate troubleshooting commands

    1.0 Check the basic settings and firewall states

    Check the system status

    to see the actual software version, operational mode, HA, etc and the system time:
    myfirewall1 # get sys status
    Version: Fortigate-50B v4.0,build0535,120511 (MR3 Patch 7)
    Virus-DB: 14.00000(2011-08-24 17:17)
    Extended DB: 14.00000(2011-08-24 17:09)
    IPS-DB: 3.00150(2012-02-15 23:15)
    FortiClient application signature package: 1.529(2012-10-09 10:00)
    Serial-Number: FGT50B1234567890
    BIOS version: 04000010
    Log hard disk: Not available
    Hostname: myfirewall1
    Operation Mode: NAT
    Current virtual domain: root
    Max number of virtual domains: 10
    Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
    Virtual domain configuration: disable
    FIPS-CC mode: disable
    Current HA mode: standalone
    Distribution: International
    Branch point: 234
    Release Version Information: MR3 Patch 7
    System time: Thu Nov 15 13:12:30 2012
    to see what the firewall has seen so far, the traffic mix:
    myfirewall1 # get system performance firewall statistics
    getting traffic statistics...
    Browsing: 544083 packets, 80679942 bytes
    DNS: 19333 packets, 2400831 bytes
    E-Mail: 52 packets, 3132 bytes
    FTP: 0 packets, 0 bytes
    Gaming: 0 packets, 0 bytes
    IM: 0 packets, 0 bytes
    Newsgroups: 0 packets, 0 bytes
    P2P: 0 packets, 0 bytes
    Streaming: 0 packets, 0 bytes
    TFTP: 0 packets, 0 bytes
    VoIP: 0 packets, 0 bytes
    Generic TCP: 13460 packets, 1301879 bytes
    Generic UDP: 7056 packets, 647156 bytes
    Generic ICMP: 172 packets, 11804 bytes
    Generic IP: 26 packets, 832 bytes

    Check the hardware performance

    to see what is the state of the cpu and the uptime:
    myfirewall1 # get system performance status
    CPU states: 0% user 0% system 0% nice 100% idle
    CPU0 states: 0% user 0% system 0% nice 100% idle
    Memory states: 48% used
    Average network usage: 1 kbps in 1 minute, 0 kbps in 10 minutes, 0 kbps in 30 minutes
    Average sessions: 0 sessions in 1 minute, 0 sessions in 10 minutes, 0 sessions in 30 minutes
    Average session setup rate: 0 sessions per second in last 1 minute, 0 sessions per second in last 10 minutes, 0 sessions per second in last 30 minutes
    Virus caught: 0 total in 1 minute
    IPS attacks blocked: 0 total in 1 minute
    Uptime: 24 days,  11 hours,  25 minutes
    to see the high cpu eaters, in case of high cpu usage:
    myfirewall1 # get system performance top
    Run Time:  24 days, 11 hours and 26 minutes
    0U, 0S, 100I; 249T, 119F, 60KF
     initXXXXXXXXXXX        1      S       0.0     4.5
             cmdbsvr       23      S       0.0     6.8
      zebos_launcher       27      S       0.0     4.7
             uploadd       28      S       0.0     4.6
             miglogd       29      S       0.0     5.9
             miglogd       30      S       0.0     4.6
              httpsd       31      S       0.0     7.0
                 nsm       32      S       0.0     1.1
                ripd       33      S       0.0     0.9
              ripngd       34      S       0.0     0.9
               ospfd       35      S       0.0     0.9
              proxyd       36      S       0.0     4.6
           wad_diskd       37      S       0.0     4.6
           scanunitd       38      S <     0.0     4.9
              ospf6d       39      S       0.0     0.9
                bgpd       40      S       0.0     1.0
               isisd       41      S       0.0     0.9
       proxyacceptor       42      S       0.0     0.7
         proxyworker       43      S       0.0     1.8
               getty       44      S <     0.0     4.6

    Check the High Availability state

    to get the High Availability state info with get command:
    myfirewall1 # get sys ha status
    Model: 311
    Mode: a-p
    Group: 0
    Debug: 0
    ses_pickup: enable
    Master:254 myfirewall1 FG311B1111111111 0
    Slave :128 myfirewall2 FG311B1111111112 1
    number of vcluster: 1
    vcluster 1: work
    Master:0 FG311B1111111111
    Slave :1 FG311B1111111112
    with show command the configuration:
    (it is worth use the full-configuration to see all the default settings)
    In the example I set the followings:
    • the hearbeat goes on port5 and with backup on port6
    • stateful failover is enabled
    • the priority in Ha for this cluster unit (The fortigate has a default setting for priority, there will be only one master if you do not set it on the cluster members. This is cool.)
    • and the monitored ports: port4, port6, port6
    myfirewall1 # show full-configuration system ha
    config system ha
        set group-id 0
        set group-name "FGT-HA"
        set mode a-p
        set password ENC 
        set hbdev "port5" 20 "port6" 10
        set route-ttl 10
        set route-wait 0
        set route-hold 10
        set sync-config enable
        set encryption disable
        set authentication disable
        set hb-interval 2
        set hb-lost-threshold 6
        set helo-holddown 20
        set arps 5
        set arps-interval 8
        set session-pickup enable
        set link-failed-signal disable
        set uninterruptable-upgrade enable
        set vcluster2 disable
        set override enable
        set priority 254
        set monitor "port4" "port5" "port6"
        unset pingserver-monitor-interface
        set pingserver-failover-threshold 0
        set pingserver-flip-timeout 60
    with the diagnose command the state again:
    myfirewall1 # diagnose sys ha status
    HA information
            traffic.local = s:2096712 p:2541238162 b:1972123729708
   = s:9497465 p:2541238496 b:1972123977459
            activity.fdb = c:0 q:0
    Model=311, Mode=2 Group=0 Debug=0
    nvcluster=1, ses_pickup=1
    HA group member information: is_manage_master=1.
    FG311B1111111111, 0. Master:254 myfirewall1
    FG311B1111111112, 1. Slave:128 myfirewall2
    vcluster 1, state=work, master_ip=, master_id=0:
    FG311B1111111111, 0. Master:254 myfirewall1(prio=0, rev=0)
    FG311B1111111112, 1. Slave:128 myfirewall2(prio=1, rev=1)
    The secondary cluster unit is off:
    myfirewall1 # diagnose sys ha status
    HA information
            traffic.local = s:286117 p:7759897825 b:3064522035872
   = s:205341071 p:7759897825 b:3064522035872
            activity.fdb  = c:0 q:0
    Model=300, Mode=2 Group=0 Debug=0
    nvcluster=1, ses_pickup=1
    HA group member information: is_manage_master=1.
    FG300A3907506630, 0. Master:254 myfirewall1
    vcluster 1, state=work, master_ip=, master_id=0:
    FG300A3907506630, 0. Master:254 myfirewall1(prio=0, rev=0)

    Check the session table of the firewall

    the values from the session table of the firewall (the max against the used):
    myfirewall1 # diag sys session full-stat
    session table:           table_size=65536 max_depth=1 used=2
    expect session table:    table_size=1024 max_depth=0 used=0
    misc info:       session_count=1 setup_rate=0 exp_count=0 clash=0
            memory_tension_drop=0 ephemeral=0/16368 removeable=0  ha_scan=0
    delete=0, flush=0, dev_down=0/0
    TCP sessions:
             1 in ESTABLISHED state
    firewall error stat:
    tcp reset stat:
            syncqf=0 acceptqf=0 no-listener=11025 data=0 ses=0 ips=0
    Check the sessions
    The following list has only one session, that may be a DNS request from to .the dns server
    Do not use this command on live system with many traffic, it lists all sessions and that has no sence.
    myfirewall # diag sys session list
    session info: proto=17 proto_state=01 duration=2214 expire=123 timeout=0 flags=00000000 sockflag=00000000 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
    ha_id=0 hakey=28310
    policy_dir=0 tunnel=/
    statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=5095/76/1 reply=8757/75/1 tuples=2
    orgin->sink: org out->post, reply pre->in dev=10->12/12->10 gwy=
    hook=out dir=org act=noop>
    hook=in dir=reply act=noop>
    misc=0 policy_id=0 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=0 serial=0047c5b4 tos=ff/ff imp2p=0 app=0
    dd_type=0 dd_rule_id=0
    total session 7
    You can filter to the session that you looking for (example):
    myfirewall1 # diagnose sys session filter src
    myfirewall1 # diag sys session list

    2.0 Check the interface settings

    Check the state, speed and duplexity an IP of the interfaces

    myfirewall1 # get system interface physical
    == [onboard]
                    mode: static
                    ipv6: ::/0
                    status: up
                    speed: 100Mbps (Duplex: full)
                    mode: static
                    ipv6: ::/0
                    status: up
                    speed: 100Mbps (Duplex: full)
                    mode: static
                    ipv6: ::/0
                    status: down
                    speed: n/a
                    mode: pppoe
                    ipv6: ::/0
                    status: down
                    speed: n/a
    Check the MAC and the state of the interfaces. The name of the interface in the example below is internal.
    Here you can see following in the output
    - Interface name
    – MAC
    – Link state
    – Speed
    – Duplex
    – MTU
    – Packet and Byte counters
    – Errors
    myfirewall1 # diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic internal
    Description                     ip175c-vdev
    Part_Number                     N/A
    Driver_Name                     ip175c
    Driver_Version                  1.01
    System_Device_Name              internal
    Current_HWaddr                  00:09:0f:d6:c0:ac
    Permanent_HWaddr                00:09:0f:d6:c0:ac
    Link                            up
    Speed                           100
    Duplex                          full
    State                           up  (0x00001003)
    Port_no                         -1
    Port_Bits                       0x7
    Link_Bits                       0x1
    MTU_Size                        1500
    Rx_Packets                      694
    Tx_Packets                      4
    Rx_Bytes                        80348
    Tx_Bytes                        214
    Rx_Errors                       0
    Tx_Errors                       0
    Rx_Dropped                      0
    Tx_Dropped                      0
    Multicast                       0
    Collisions                      0
    Rx_Length_Errors                0
    Rx_Over_Errors                  0
    Rx_CRC_Errors                   0
    Rx_Frame_Errors                 0
    Rx_FIFO_Errors                  0
    Rx_Missed_Errors                0
    Tx_Aborted_Errors               0
    Tx_Carrier_Errors               0
    Tx_FIFO_Errors                  0
    Tx_Heartbeat_Errors             0
    Tx_Window_Errors                0

    Check the ARP Table

    This contains the permanent and the dynamic ARP entries
    myfirewall1 # get system arp
    Address           Age(min)   Hardware Addr      Interface   0          00:08:da:52:33:b6  port4   16         00:21:9b:94:38:44  port2   0          00:00:0c:07:ac:23  port6   1          00:09:0f:09:01:3b  port6    0          02:00:5e:47:c1:a3  port5

    3.0 Check the Routing Table

    In this example we route everything through a vpn tunnel, called fortigw-311b:
    myfirewall1 # get router info routing-table all
    Codes: K - kernel, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, B - BGP
           O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
           N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
           E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
           i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
           * - candidate default
    S* [5/0] is directly connected, fortigw-311b
    S [10/0] via, wan1
    C is directly connected, wan1
    S [10/0] via, wan1
    S [10/0] via, wan1, [0/50]
    C is directly connected, gre1
    C is directly connected, gre1
    C is directly connected, internal

    Check the matching route

    Are you looking for a spesific route in a big database? No problem use the details:
    myfirewall1 # get router info routing-table details
    Routing entry for
      Known via "static", distance 10, metric 0, best
      *, via wan1

    4.0 VPN Troubleshooting

    The most significant part for vpn is the time on the devices. The check the time use the following command:
    myfirewall1 # get sys status
    Version: Fortigate-50B v4.0,build0632,120705 (MR3 Patch 8)
    Virus-DB: 14.00000(2011-08-24 17:17)
    Extended DB: 14.00000(2011-08-24 17:09)
    IPS-DB: 3.00150(2012-02-15 23:15)
    FortiClient application signature package: 1.131(2012-07-05 20:54)
    Serial-Number: FGT50B1234567891
    BIOS version: 04000010
    Log hard disk: Not available
    Hostname: myfirewall1
    Operation Mode: NAT
    Current virtual domain: root
    Max number of virtual domains: 10
    Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
    Virtual domain configuration: disable
    FIPS-CC mode: disable
    Current HA mode: standalone
    Distribution: International
    Branch point: 632
    Release Version Information: MR3 Patch 8
    System time: Fri Nov 16 17:31:03 2012

    Change the tunnel state

    Bring up a vpn tunnel manually. No traffic required.
    myfirewall # diag vpn tunnel up phase2-name phase1-name
    Shut down a vpn tunnel manually.
    myfirewall # diag vpn tunnel down phase2-name phase1-name

    Check the tunnel state

    If there is no SA that means the tunnel is down and does not work. To see if the tunnel is up we need to check if any SA exist.
    To see if the tunnel is up you can use the diagnose vpn tunnel list name or diagnose vpn tunnel dumpsa command.
    Tunnel state is down
    Tunnel does not exist if there is no output of the commands below:
    myfirewall1 # diagnose vpn tunnel list name myphase1
    list ipsec tunnel by names in vd 0
    with the dumpsa command:
    myfirewall1 # diag vpn tunnel dumpsa
    The output of the command below shows zero sa (no security association)
    myfirewall3 # diagnose vpn tunnel stat
    dev=1 tunnel=0 proxyid=1 sa=0 conc=0 up=0

    Tunnel state is up

    Informations from the output of the command below:
    – vpn peers
    – encrypted traffic (source and destination)
    – traffic counters for encrypted traffic
    – SPI for encrypt and decrypt
    – Encryption method
    In the following output the second tunnel with the name fortigw-311b-wlan-ph2 is down.
    myfirewall # diagnose vpn tunnel list name fortigw-311b
    list ipsec tunnel by names in vd 0
    name=fortigw-311b ver=1 serial=1> lgwy=dyn tun=intf mode=auto bound_if=6
    proxyid_num=2 child_num=0 refcnt=8 ilast=2 olast=2
    stat: rxp=525048 txp=538908 rxb=276286832 txb=115110327
    dpd: mode=active on=1 idle=5000ms retry=3 count=0 seqno=671422
    natt: mode=none draft=0 interval=0 remote_port=0
    proxyid=fortigw-311b-ph2 proto=0 sa=1 ref=2 auto_negotiate=0 serial=1
      SA: ref=3 options=0000000e type=00 soft=0 mtu=1436 expire=1333 replaywin=1024 seqno=2c
      life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=1750/1800
      dec: spi=5bafd6aa esp=3des key=24 8e4c7e9d5916fd00fc6f3fe4e7b35c40431735162c537049
        ah=sha1 key=20 2462eaec73cbfc473c9cc59c0b39d976dca8b15f
      enc: spi=2a05ad80 esp=3des key=24 83f2a4476675a7e810bb467ba0675222e6ad9f5db3ff4fed
        ah=sha1 key=20 3fdd10286ff936c3608879315bc3958d8112994e
    proxyid=fortigw-311b-wlan-ph2 proto=0 sa=0 ref=1 auto_negotiate=0 serial=2
    In the following output the second tunnel with the name MyIPSecTunnnel is up.
    myfirewall1 #  diagnose vpn tunnel list name "MyIPSecTunnnel"
    list ipsec tunnel by names in vd 0
    name=MyIPSecTunnnel ver=1 serial=1> lgwy=dyn tun=intf mode=auto bound_if=5
    proxyid_num=1 child_num=0 refcnt=11 ilast=0 olast=0
    stat: rxp=196 txp=335 rxb=57600 txb=28419
    dpd: mode=active on=1 idle=5000ms retry=3 count=0 seqno=352
    natt: mode=none draft=0 interval=0 remote_port=0
    proxyid=MyIPSecTunnnel-ph2 proto=0 sa=1 ref=2 auto_negotiate=0 serial=1
      src: 0:
      dst: 0:
      SA: ref=3 options=0000000e type=00 soft=0 mtu=1436 expire=1657 replaywin=1024 seqno=2c
      life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=1748/1800
      dec: spi=be8d94f1 esp=3des key=24 b7d4a72d2c79e1846d54133c4a198085cf22b6c500fc4064
           ah=sha1 key=20 0a6b3691b7a887d67b694935b813c7a0339e37d8
      enc: spi=9cc4bfdc esp=3des key=24 d77616bc3455f8acee018d5b9b572cbd087da9ff98e816ff
           ah=sha1 key=20 702f1d1572180f186fb169fef50d64f057281e7b
    In this output are both tunnel up:
    myfirewall1 # diag vpn tunnel dumpsa
    vf=0 tun=fortigw-311b
    proxyid=fortigw-311b-wlan-ph2 proto=0
      life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=1750/1800
      dec: spi=5bafd6ac esp=3des key=24 944c6e0a4e52d578ce4a3f78f6066eae53ade0bf3aeca236
        ah=sha1 key=20 9c0ad72b08bf479e81d9109ac0f7f721c7040b46
      enc: spi=2a05ad97 esp=3des key=24 5c8141c750de92321c171b44c5473d82fbac47ae464f3107
        ah=sha1 key=20 0724b6b197c0cd157aced122bb6482d2d665e1b2
    vf=0 tun=fortigw-311b
    proxyid=fortigw-311b-ph2 proto=0
      life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=1753/1800
      dec: spi=5bafd6ab esp=3des key=24 506055a1caf78cc42d645a94b226f37375eac8bb618efdc7
           ah=sha1 key=20 535c1f8ef20e8b7b6d011fdecfa955cef2085995
      enc: spi=2a05ad95 esp=3des key=24 1d710d27da29b773abdf3568200d3b4a2688fbc1fa72f43b
           ah=sha1 key=20 1d7d6b36084c715e8546369b621effaca60a5ee4
    with the diagnose command:
    myfirewall1 # diagnose vpn tunnel stat
    dev=1 tunnel=0 proxyid=1 sa=1 conc=0 up=1

    Check packet counters for the tunnel

    To see if the encryption and decryption of the packages works use 2 or more times the diagnose vpn ipsec status or the diagnose vpn tunnel list command and compare the values. On the second and third outputs the counter should show larger number.
    myfirewall1 # diagnose vpn ipsec status
    All ipsec crypto devices in use:
            null:   0       0
            des:    0       0
            3des:   335     196
            aes:    0       0
            null:   0       0
            md5:    0       0
            sha1:   335     196
            sha256: 0       0
            sha384: 0       0
            sha512: 0       0
            null:   0       0
            des:    0       0
            3des:   0       0
            aes:    0       0
            null:   0       0
            md5:    0       0
            sha1:   0       0
            sha256: 0       0
            sha384: 0       0
            sha512: 0       0
    On the following output the firewall has 3 active vpn peers.
    myfirewall1 # diag vpn tunnel list
    list all ipsec tunnel in vd 0
    name=soho-fw1> lgwy=dyn tun=intf mode=auto bound_if=7
    proxyid_num=1 child_num=0 refcnt=5 ilast=4 olast=1
    stat: rxp=1806451 txp=1447091 rxb=234325504 txb=499316955
    dpd: mode=active on=1 idle=5000ms retry=3 count=0 seqno=3908556
    natt: mode=none draft=0 interval=0 remote_port=0
    proxyid=soho-fw1-p2 proto=0 sa=1 ref=2 auto_negotiate=0 serial=1
      SA: ref=3 options=0000000e type=00 soft=0 mtu=1436 expire=366 replaywin=1024 seqno=c4
      life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=1774/1800
      dec: spi=2a02fcf2 esp=3des key=24 b3f265d52c68528f65e622ecda7500049d8dc4c3f41dc1f0
           ah=sha1 key=20 846e4236a70d610c3848d8451d1423aa7a7a9b48
      enc: spi=bb50f13d esp=3des key=24 bb24fc093724e057e0de454f0be53554adcf8fb158569732
           ah=sha1 key=20 fdc777b8c11194e8245add02fbf402e4cac779fc
    name=soho-fw2> lgwy=dyn tun=intf mode=auto bound_if=7
    proxyid_num=1 child_num=0 refcnt=5 ilast=4 olast=4
    stat: rxp=17110169 txp=18532534 rxb=5951742192 txb=15247163397
    dpd: mode=active on=1 idle=5000ms retry=3 count=0 seqno=3450372
    natt: mode=none draft=0 interval=0 remote_port=0
    proxyid=soho-fw2-p2 proto=0 sa=1 ref=2 auto_negotiate=0 serial=1
      SA: ref=3 options=0000000e type=00 soft=0 mtu=1436 expire=576 replaywin=1024 seqno=1063
      life: type=01 bytes=0/0 timeout=1774/1800
      dec: spi=2a02fcf3 esp=3des key=24 44b0afaf4fcbf8dbff067e1d75fc7222387efb4f434b4ab4
           ah=sha1 key=20 333e13671885e08177ea06df5ed88a941d60998c
      enc: spi=e5e804dc esp=3des key=24 f1bdc039431716a33761879a5b9ac0aca181ced2b363ca08
           ah=sha1 key=20 57a12c61b17f3431b1f8895045558ad408f7d356
    name=soho-fw3> lgwy=dyn tun=intf mode=auto bound_if=7

    5.0 sniffertrace

    The basic command is “diagnose sniffer packet”, after that you have to define the interface* (or the keyword any):
    myfirewall1 # diagnose sniffer packet
        the network interface to sniff (or "any")
    *Looks like you cannot filter explicitly on tunnel interface, you have to use any in that case and define a filter string.
    And the tcpdump like filter string (or the keyword none):
    myfirewall1 # diagnose sniffer packet any
        flexible logical filters for sniffer (or "none").
    For example:  To print udp 1812 traffic between forti1 and either forti2 or forti3
    'udp and port 1812 and host forti1 and \( forti2 or forti3 \)'
    And the output format you expect (I use always the 4)
    myfirewall1 # diagnose sniffer packet any none
    1: print header of packets
    2: print header and data from ip of packets
    3: print header and data from ethernet of packets (if available)
    4: print header of packets with interface name
    5: print header and data from ip of packets with interface name
    6: print header and data from ethernet of packets (if available) with intf name
    myfirewall1 # diagnose sniffer packet any none 4
        sniffer count
    myfirewall1 # diagnose sniffer packet any none 4 4
    0.914475 wan1 in -> 689103397 ack 64745307
    0.915067 wan1 out -> psh 3728577301 ack 1697425175
    0.915079 eth0 out -> psh 3728577301 ack 1697425175
    0.915452 wan1 out -> psh 3728577433 ack 1697425175
    The 2. parameter after “…port6 arp 1? is the number of packets to be sniffered. In this example it is set to 2.
    myfirewall # diagnose sniffer packet port6 arp 1 2
    0.907592 arp who-has tell
    1.907597 arp who-has tell
    myfirewall #
    If the sniffer should be analysed with Wireshark, the following pl script should be used:

    6.0 View logging on cli

    There are some fields that you wont ever see in webui as in the column setting you cannot choose them. Just an example for this is a false pre-shared key, the field that tells you what the problem is, called “error_reason”.
    The buffer size is limited and if the buffer is full the old logs will be overwritten.
    To check your buffer size issue the following command:
    myfirewall # get log memory global-setting
    full-final-warning-threshold: 95
    full-first-warning-threshold: 75
    full-second-warning-threshold: 90
    max-size : 98304

    Configure logging

    To view the logs on the CLI issue the following commands (it is better to use a syslog server as checking the logs from memory, it is slow).
    myfirewall # execute log filter device memory
    myfirewall # execute log filter start-line 1
    myfirewall # execute log filter view-lines 10
    myfirewall # execute log filter category event
    Check if that is correct for you.
    myfirewall # execute log filter dump
    category: event
    device: memory
    roll: 0
    start-line: 1
    view-lines: 10

    Viewing the logs

    In this example we can sse a failed vpn session as the preshared key is not identical on the vpn peers. The logs are not in every cases so talkative, for example the logs for different encryption traffic failure refer to nothing usefull.
    Logs for preshared key failure:
    myfirewall3 # execute log display
    874 logs found.
    10 logs returned.1: 2011-08-31 17:02:33 log_id=0101037127 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=notice fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 1" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="26fb9f49765a425f/a1da24b19fb1f8ce" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=success init=local mode=main dir=outbound stage=3 role=initiator result=OK2: 2011-08-31 17:02:33 log_id=0101037127 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=notice fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 1" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="26fb9f49765a425f/a1da24b19fb1f8ce" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=success init=local mode=main dir=outbound stage=2 role=initiator result=OK3: 2011-08-31 17:02:33 log_id=0101037127 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=notice fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 1" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="26fb9f49765a425f/0000000000000000" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=success init=local mode=main dir=outbound stage=1 role=initiator result=OK4: 2011-08-31 17:02:33 log_id=0101037128 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=error fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 1" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="8cad3acdda13b8dc/49d8c9464e0a85e9" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=failure init=remote mode=main dir=inbound stage=3 role=responder result=ERROR5: 2011-08-31 17:02:33 log_id=0101037124 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=error fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="IPsec phase 1 error" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="8cad3acdda13b8dc/49d8c9464e0a85e9" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=negotiate_error error_reason=probable preshared key mismatch peer_notif=N/A6: 2011-08-31 17:02:31 log_id=0101037128 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=error fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 1" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="8cad3acdda13b8dc/49d8c9464e0a85e9" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=failure init=remote mode=main dir=inbound stage=3 role=responder result=ERROR7: 2011-08-31 17:02:31 log_id=0101037124 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=error fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="IPsec phase 1 error" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="8cad3acdda13b8dc/49d8c9464e0a85e9" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=negotiate_error error_reason=probable preshared key mismatch peer_notif=N/A
    Logs for different encryption traffic failure:
    Sep 01 10:18:40 date=2011-09-01 time=10:18:40 devname=myfirewall3 device_id=FG200B1111111111 log_id=0101037129 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=notice fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 2" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="2c4ea48ce0ad7bb5/1197f346a79b38b3" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=success init=local mode=quick dir=outbound stage=1 role=initiator result=OK
    Sep 01 10:19:36 date=2011-09-01 time=10:19:36 devname=myfirewall3 device_id=FG200B1111111111 log_id=0101037130 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=error fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 2" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="2c4ea48ce0ad7bb5/1197f346a79b38b3" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=failure init=remote mode=quick dir=inbound stage=1 role=responder result=ERROR
    Sep 01 10:19:38 date=2011-09-01 time=10:19:38 devname=myfirewall3 device_id=FG200B1111111111 log_id=0101037130 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=error fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 2" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="2c4ea48ce0ad7bb5/1197f346a79b38b3" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=failure init=remote mode=quick dir=inbound stage=1 role=responder result=ERROR
    Sep 01 10:19:42 date=2011-09-01 time=10:19:42 devname=myfirewall3 device_id=FG200B1111111111 log_id=0101037130 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=error fwver=040003 vd="root" msg="progress IPsec phase 2" action="negotiate" rem_ip= loc_ip= rem_port=500 loc_port=500 out_intf="wan1" cookies="2c4ea48ce0ad7bb5/1197f346a79b38b3" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauth_user="N/A" xauth_group="N/A" vpn_tunnel="fortigw-311b" status=failure init=remote mode=quick dir=inbound stage=1 role=responder result=ERROR

    7.0 Backup and Restore

    Backup command with tftp server:
    myfirewall # execute backup full-config tftp <full-config-filename> <tftp server ip>
    With an example:
    myfirewall1 # execute backup full-config tftp myfirewall1_full_config
    Please wait...
    Connect to tftp server ...
    Send config file to tftp server OK.
    myfirewall1 #
    Restore command with tftp server:
    myfirewall # execute restore config tftp <full-config-filename> <tftp server ip>
    Example Restore:
    myfirewall1 # execute restore config tftp myfirewall1_full_config
    This operation will overwrite the current settings!
    Do you want to continue? (y/n)yPlease wait...Connect to tftp server ...Get config file from tftp server OK.
    File check OK.The system is going down NOW !!
    Please stand by while rebootinFGT200B (14:15-10.01.2008)
    Serial number:FG200B1111111111
    RAM activation
    Total RAM: 256MB
    Enabling cache...Done.
    Scanning PCI bus...Done.
    Allocating PCI resources...Done.
    Enabling PCI resources...Done.
    Zeroing IRQ settings...Done.
    Verifying PIRQ tables...Done.
    Enabling Interrupts...Done.
    Boot up, boot device capacity: 64MB.
    Press any key to display configuration menu...
    ......Reading boot image 1319595 bytes.
    Initializing firewall...
    System is started.
    The config file may contain errors,
    Please see details by the command 'diagnose debug config-error-log read'myfirewall1 login:

    8.0 Other troubleshooting commands

    1. List UTM settings from the command line. If VDOMs are not enabled just run the last line [Sameslug].
    config vdom
    edit ${VDOM_NAME}
    show firewall policy
    2. This will change a UTM IPS signatures from their default to ALL-PASS or ALL-BLOCK [Sameslug].
    config vdom
    edit ${VDOM_NAME}
    config ips sensor <<< Start here if VDOMs are not enabled
    edit ${UTM_IPS_NAME}
    config entries
    edit 1
    set action [pass|block] <<< Here is where you choose to pass|block – use unset action for signature defaults.

    Monday, August 11, 2014

    Upgrading a Cisco 3750 IOS from a .bin image file

    I just wasted hours trying to figure out how to upgrade a Cisco Catalyst 3750 using the .bin image instead of the .tar archive, since I don’t want any fancy web interface on any of my core network devices.
    All of the current documentation explains only how to use the archive command, which can’t be used in this case, and I’ve tried /imageonly option todownload-sw which still needs the .tar archive. And the only bits of documentation I found which referenced the .bin method were actually misleading.
    The solution is quite simple : Just copy the image you want to the device, I did that using xmodem since I was too lazy to plug in a network cable (yeah, old school, especially given the archive tool doesn’t even support xmodem!). Of course, you can use tftp or any other supported protocol :
    copy xmodem: flash:c3750-advipservicesk9-mz.122-35.SE5.bin
    Once the copy is over, the file is on the flash filesystem. Now comes the trivial yet tricky part : How to activate the image. A quick look at the boot vars show which image will be used. Here we see that it’s still the original one :
    Switch#show boot
    BOOT path-list      : flash:/c3750-ipbase-mz.122-35.SE5/c3750-ipbase-mz.122-35.SE5.bin
    Config file         : flash:/config.text
    Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text
    Enable Break        : no
    Manual Boot         : no
    HELPER path-list    :
    Auto upgrade        : yes
    Auto upgrade path   :
    And all of the documentation I found references the boot command to select which image to boot, even a Cisco Wiki page for the 3750 (which I suspect was wrong about this). That command doesn’t seem to exist on the 3750. The proper command is this one, run in configure terminal mode :
    boot system flash:/c3750-advipservicesk9-mz.122-35.SE5.bin
    It does seem completely obvious now, but I had it in front of my nose for hours without seeing it in any Cisco documentation. Running show boot again will now list the new image :
    Switch#show boot                                                                                                             
    BOOT path-list      : flash:/c3750-advipservicesk9-mz.122-35.SE5.bin
    Config file         : flash:/config.text
    Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text
    Enable Break        : no
    Manual Boot         : no
    HELPER path-list    :
    Auto upgrade        : yes
    Auto upgrade path   :
    Then just reload the switch and you’re done. You can later remove the older image using delete /force /recursive, but you can also just leave it, as the switch will automatically boot the first image it finds alphabetically if the ones from the boot path-list aren’t found.
    To update other members in a running stack once you have prepared the master, you must copy and enable the image on each of them as follows :
    Switch#copy flash1:/c3750-advipservicesk9-mz.122-35.SE5.bin flash2:
    Destination filename [c3750-advipservicesk9-mz.122-35.SE5.bin]?
    Copy in progress...CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC[...]
    Switch#configure terminal
    Switch(config)#boot system switch all flash:/c3750-advipservicesk9-mz.122-35.SE5.bin
    You need to repeat the above for each available flash* otherwise the boot system command will fail.