Friday, October 9, 2015

Outlook messages duplication remover:

to remove a duplicate messages use the following visual basic script:

Friday, July 10, 2015

Thermal problem in HP Elitebook 8540w

Recently my HP Elitebook 8540w's fan was running constantly, and by using HWMonitor i was able to check that the temperature was raising high, around 50 to 60 without any activities, and when doing simple tasks like just opening a browser it would get very high.

so i decided to order some thermal pads to replace the current ones between the CPU & GPU and the heat sink, ofcourse my first choice was from a vendor from china, but after they have arrived it weren't good at all but the contrary; the problem became worse and CPU start shutting down.

with me desperate i was looking for a quick solution until i can order proper material I started searching the internet for DIY thermal paste, and i found several resources suggesting mixing toothpaste with cooking oil, with mixing ratio of 3:1. well... i had nothing to lose and it wasn't working anyway so i thought it was worth a try. I mixed the ingredients , dissembled the heat sink and then applied the paste. I started the Laptop and voila!!! it worked, but i noticed something strange that the laptop fan was not working so i though it might be that i did something wrong with the connector. so after windows started i launched HWMonitor and for my surprise CPU and GPU temp went down to 35!!

so it was a great improvement and a good experience, now if something similar happens and i need thermal paste i know where to find one ... quickly.